

Loading and unloading a revolver:

1. Step back with the right foot to keep the muzzle pointed down range.
2. Supporting the revolver with the left hand when opening the cylinder.
3. Place the center two fingers of the left hand through the frame of the weapon once the cylinder
is open.
4. Support the weapon with the index and small finger of the left hand.
5. Dump all expended rounds with the left thumb pushing down on the ejection rod. (During
this procedure the ejection rod should be vertical to the ground. If the weapon is canted
sideways, expended casings may catch under the ejection star.)
5. Load the weapon with the thumb and index finger of the right hand while rotating the cylinder
with the thumb of the left hand.
6. If you drop any ammunition, do not bend over with the weapon out of the holster.
7. When the cylinder is closed, step forward with the right foot keeping the muzzle pointed
down range.