

How And Where to Find Dove To Hunt

Know Dove Traits and Habits

Doves are generally found in areas in which there are a lot of trees, a water source, a food source, a graveling spot and a place to roost. Please read on for a better understanding of the dove and it's way of life.

Dove eat seeds from crops such as wheat, sunflowers, millet any almost any seed producing grain crop. Doves also eat seeds from many different types of weeds. These seeds are consumed on bare ground if possible as dove have legs that are not all that strong. Doves have trouble scratching for food through ground covers or plants.

Doves consume grit (graveling) to help them digest the seeds that they eat. This grit is found in sand bars, dirt roads, gravel pits, and so forth. Doves usually gravel during midday and for an hour or two after midday.

Dove can be found around watering holes right after dawn and before they go back to roost around dusk. These watering spots generally are near the dove's roost and usually are an open area of water with banks free of vegetation. Although dove are not above flying a few miles from a watering hole to a feeding spot.

During the day, after watering, dove feed until about midday, then they hang out at just perching on power lines or their roost, graveling, or at watering sites near the feeding area for an hour or two. Next they go back to feed for the rest of the afternoon. Then before going to roost again, the dove will water at a nearby stream, pond or mud hole.