Selling your guns at Dury's is safe, and easy, and you can be sure you are getting a fair and honest deal.
There are three methods you can choose from to sell your gun. Each
provides various benefits and you are free to choose the method that
best suits your needs.
1. Outright Sale to Durys - This approach provides
you instant cash and peace of mind as the transaction will be completed
in minutes after the gun is evaluated by our buyer. (WE PURCHASE GUNS AT
2. Consignment Sale - This approach will normally
net you the most money for your gun but you have to wait untill the gun
is sold to receive payment.
3. Consignment Auction - Some guns typically sell
for higher prices through auction than in our store. Let our sales
experts guide you based on the specific model and condition of your gun.
If you live close to San Antonio, the best approach is to bring your guns to our store, so that we can see them and help determine the best sale option for you
If you do not live near San Antonio, please give us a call at 210-531-2629
or 210-531-2629 .
We can help you in various ways to simplify the selling process, from
estimating the value of your firearm to providing a shipping box with a
convenient pre-addressed UPS call tag. (A UPS call tag sends a UPS
representative to pick up your gun from your home.)
For more sizable collections, arrangements can be made for a personel visit to your location.
When you are ready to sell your guns, please give us a call.